Innovation Workshop

Do you think:

  • Your company's out of ideas or stuck doing what it always does?
  • Your company looks to its competitors to decide what to do next?
  • You would get more recognition if you generated better business ideas?
  • Innovation or creativity is an inherent personal trait or hardwired into business culture?
  • Today creativity and innovation are key ingredients for business success.

Your competitors can build the same products, run the same marketing programs and offer the same services as you. However, a company that consistently comes up with new ideas is almost impossible to beat.

Imagine if you had at your disposal the tools to create completely original and workable ideas - whenever you want.

We can show you how using processes and tools developed by Dr Ken Hudson, one of the country's leading educators and consultants in organisational innovation.

In this workshop a trained Crystal PR facilitator will help you generate ideas that solve a specific marketing or other business issue. In the process you will learn innovation tools you can use in your daily work and personal life.

How an innovation workshop works

We have run all-of-company innovation sessions for more than 180 people and also worked with executive leadership teams focused on business strategy development.

An innovation workshop typically includes:

  • Innovation theory introduction
  • Problem definition and articulation
  • Tool(s) selection and explanation
  • Idea generation
  • Idea scoring and assessment
  • Initial exploration of best and most original ideas
  • Follow-up report from us.
PR Agency